Pulsar APX Volt V3 Replacement O-Rings Kit
The Pulsar APX Volt Replacement O-Rings offer (2) certified replacement parts that fit the Pulsar APX Volt vaporizer. The o-rings fit on to the atomizer coil and the atomizer housing to form a friction fit with the glass...
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The Pulsar APX Volt Replacement O-Rings offer (2) certified replacement parts that fit the Pulsar APX Volt vaporizer. The o-rings fit on to the atomizer coil and the atomizer housing to form a friction fit with the glass or metal mouthpiece.

  • Certified Pulsar Replacement part
  • Designed specifically for use in the Pulsar APX Volt
  • Reverse compatible with previous version of the APX Volt
  • Comes (2) to a pack